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Punt 'e Nù from Teulada, Sardinia

Portuguese Whitework embroidery runner
Close up of Punt 'e Nù
Visiting Is Sinnus, Teulada

Knotted whitework embroidery

There are many different types of embroidery to be found on the island of Sardinia, off the coast of Italy. Of particular interest is Punt 'e Nù, which comes from the town of Teulada on the south coast of Sardinia. Punt 'e Nù is a form of whitework embroidery which uses a simple knotted stitch to create geometric designs.

Punt 'e Nù was (and still is) used to decorate the collars, cuffs and yokes of men's traditional clothing in Teulada. The men of Teulada wear white shirts with tall, stand-up collars, that are embroidered with intricate designs. The knotted stitches create beautiful texture and pattern on the surface of the white linen. There are many traditional motifs used, including cockerels, pine leaves, hearts, cherries, crosses, pomegranates, and chairs.

The work was traditionally and historically worked in white thread on white fabric, or sometimes natural coloured linen. As the linen would have originally been homewoven, it was not always evenweave, so the designs sometimes were more stretched in one direction than the other. Today, 28 count linen is most often used, in conjunction with pearl cotton. Contemporary Teuladan stitchers sometimes use coloured thread (muted colours such as browns, greys, apricots) on white fabric, though white on white or white on natural is still traditional. Punt 'e Nù is usually edged with crisp mitred corners, hemstitched hems, and hand stitched needlelace edging.

When I visited Teulada to learn more about the embroidery, I was warmly received by members of the town's cultural association, Associazione Culturale Is Sinnus - Teulada (see left) who were pleased to show me their very beautiful needlework. I saw contemporary examples such as tablecloths, cushions, runners and clothing, and an amazing, historical men's shirt with the traditional stand-up collar, cuffs etc. It was lovely to spend time with them, delighting in their cultural heritage, of which they are rightly very proud.

Learning how to make Sardinian knotted embroidery

We provide a number of ways to learn Punt 'e Nù embroidery:

  • Sardinian Knotted Embroidery: Whitework from Teulada by Yvette Stanton, is a wonderful book showcasing Punt 'e Nù embroidery. It will show you historical and contemporary examples of embroidery from Teulada, and teach you how to make your own Punt 'e Nù-style embroidery, with detailed step-by-step instructions, hundreds of clear diagrams, and 11 beautiful projects. Order your copy today!
  • Sardinian knotted embroidery classes. Yvette teaches embroidery at shops and guild groups around Australia. She is an accredited tutor with the Embroiderers' Guild of NSW.

We also provide a full range of embroidery supplies with which to make Punt 'e Nù, including linen, thread and needles.


Yvette Stanton's book

Sardinian Knotted Embroidery: Whitework from Teulada

Purchase your copy today!

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